
Except where otherwise indicated, all written, audio/video, product content is owned and by Andrew Gibbons / Body of Knowledge, LLC, © 2020.  Any unauthorized copying, duplication or resale of media without consent of the owner is in violation of the copyright laws.

Service Marks

The following are registered service marks, trademarks, collective marks or certification marks of the Feldenkrais Guild of North America: Feldenkrais®, Feldenkrais Method®, Awareness Through Movement®, ATM®, Functional Integration®, FI®, Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher®, and The Feldenkrais Guild®. 


Except where otherwise indicated, all photographs on this website are the property of Andrew Gibbons, MM, GCFP.  
Photographs of Dr. Feldenkrais are from the ©International Feldenkrais® Federation Archive.
Some photographs of Awareness Through Movement® are by Rosalie O'Connor.
Portrait photograph of Andrew Gibbons is by Steve Riskind
Internal Strength photo is by Tim Marshall @timmarshall
Leg Up photo is by Lucrezia Carnelos @ciabbatespugnose
Fluid Torso Weightless Limbs photo is by Irene Irene @nameisirene
Training for Accuracy photo source unknown
Inner Edges of the Arms photo is by Richard Lee @brock222
Starter Kit photo is by Nynne Schroder @nynnes
Enhancing the Breath photo source is unknown
Anti-Fragile Walking photo is by Andrew Dinh @andrewdinh
Principles of Good Posture photo is by Ace Vu @acevu
Man in Library photo is by by @Fahrul Azmi
Body of Knowledge Course photo is by @alexshuperart